Es wird explosiv: So krass geht es bei Berlin – Tag & Nacht weiter

In the upcoming episodes of Berlin – Tag & Nacht, the drama and personal conflicts intensify, delivering more shocking moments for viewers.

In Episode 3260, Cleo celebrates her birthday alone, unaware that her friends Karla and Janni had planned a surprise party for her. When she discovers it, a fight ensues, and misunderstandings worsen. Rick steps in to mediate between the friends, but tensions continue to rise.

Episode 3261  follows Sara, who initially feels excited about her new job at Matrix. However, Piet’s demeaning tasks soon undermine her enthusiasm. A conflict between Milla and Piet follows, and ultimately, Sara quits her job and receives a much better offer.

In Episode 3262 , Malte seems to regret his actions and reconciles with Joe, but secretly plans a dangerous stunt with Indira. At Joe and Peggy’s wedding party, Malte causes chaos, even sabotaging the wedding cake before he’s thrown out. This leads to a final confrontation between Joe and Malte.

The tension continues in Episode 3263 , where Peggy struggles to cope with the trauma from the previous day’s explosion. Milla comforts her, helping her to manage the resulting panic attacks, offering both a massage and an evening out.

In Episode 3264 , Malte seeks to make amends with Chiara, offering her a new phone. However, Chiara struggles with guilt over Malte’s suicide attempt and initially pushes him away. Through an emotional conversation, they begin to reconcile.

Episode 3265  brings bad news for Sina and Noah as they must move to Brandenburg to live with their foster mother, Paula. Sina feels betrayed, and the situation grows even more complicated as Katy tries to navigate her strained relationships.

Finally, in Episode 3266 , Milla is overjoyed at the thought of Mike returning early from Barcelona. However, when she opens the door, she’s greeted by a shocking visitor: Mike’s half-sister, Valentina.

Be ready for another series of dramatic twists and surprises in the upcoming Berlin – Tag & Nacht episodes!

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